What behavior has to do with cybersecurity?

Project SECMAR invites to a lunch webinar on the theme Cyber Security. I bet you already know that you should be using unique passwords that are 12 or more characters long? And that there’s no such thing as free wi-fi and therefore, you should take precautions if you need to use it anyway?

Put in another way; Do you practice what Centre for Cyber Security and other counterparts preach?

If not, you’re not alone in not doing what you know is right or best practice. We’ve build structures where we think that things such as campaigns, knowledge and arguments will lead to a desired behavior. But that’s not the case.

In this TITBITS we’ll cover why people aren’t always rational and how that can be used. And how we can use behavioral insights in regards to cybersecurity.

Bon appetite!

SPEAKER: Mette Sørensen, Advisor, The Centre for Cyber Security (CFCS)

  • Thursday, March 18, 2021
  • 12:00 PM  12:30 PM
  • Zoom

The talk is conducted in English.
Duration: 15 minutes presentation + 15 minutes Q&A.

Arranged by the project SECMAR

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